Tag Archives: How Surrogacy Works
Everything you need to know about your successful surrogacy journey.
The Risk of Twins with Double vs Single Embryo Transfers
Transferring two embryos does not drastically increase the likelihood of a pregnancy, but it does drastically increase the likelihood of a twins pregnancy. If you want to avoid the risks and expense of a twins pregnancy, then you should transfer one embryo at at time.
Fresh or Frozen Eggs for IVF: Which is Better?
Fresh eggs are more likely to produce healthy pregnancies. Frozen eggs may seem like a bargain, but they can be much more expensive when considering Cost per Live Birth.
Advice for a Traditional Surrogacy Program
First, to be clear: I don’t recommend traditional surrogacy — it comes with a host of legal and ethical issues. It’s hard to argue in any court how your surrogate could be denied full parental rights if she were dispute the surrogacy agreement.
Can a surrogate mother keep the baby?
If you have a properly executed Surrogacy Contract in a country with a supportive legal framework then the simple answer is NO, the surrogate cannot keep your baby. Unfortunately too many couples decide to skip the legal safeguards and open themselves up to all sorts of risks – including that the surrogate may have a legal claim to parental rights.
Will my surrogacy baby look like me?
So many couples struggle with infertility. I work with couples every day who are ready to mortgage their entire lives to have ANY child at all. I’ll never understand how someone can prefer NO child rather than a child that doesn’t look “quite like the person they had in mind”.